The One-, Three-, Six- and Twelve-Month Eurodollar LIBOR Rates All Declined On The Week
The one-, three-, six- and twelve-month Eurodollar LIBOR yields all declined on the week. On the day, the three-, six- and twelve-month rates fell, while the 1-month rate increased. The TED spread contracted on both the day and the week.

Image courtesy The Wall Street Journal Online

Right now, the yield on the 91-day U.S. Treasury Bill is 0.145%. Therefore, the TED spread is currently 0.87125 percentage point; it was 0.89125 yesterday, 0.9775 last Friday and 4.34 on October 15, 2008. For the TED spread, a figure between zero and 50 basis points (50 basis points = 0.50 percentage point) is a strong indication that capital is flowing through international credit markets normally.
A Eurodollar is a U.S. dollar deposited in any bank outside the United States, and therefore not subject to regulation by the U.S. Federal Reserve.
Click here for historical LIBOR values.
Click here for a chart comparing LIBOR to the Prime Rate and the target fed funds rate.
Click here to read about how U.S. Dollar LIBOR fixing works.
Right now, the yield on the 91-day U.S. Treasury Bill is 0.145%. Therefore, the TED spread is currently 0.87125 percentage point; it was 0.89125 yesterday, 0.9775 last Friday and 4.34 on October 15, 2008. For the TED spread, a figure between zero and 50 basis points (50 basis points = 0.50 percentage point) is a strong indication that capital is flowing through international credit markets normally.
A Eurodollar is a U.S. dollar deposited in any bank outside the United States, and therefore not subject to regulation by the U.S. Federal Reserve.
Click here for historical LIBOR values.
Click here for a chart comparing LIBOR to the Prime Rate and the target fed funds rate.
Click here to read about how U.S. Dollar LIBOR fixing works.
Labels: libor, TED_spread
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