The One-, Three-, Six- and Twelve-Month Eurodollar LIBOR Rates All Fell Today
The one-, three-, six- and twelve-month Eurodollar LIBOR yields all fell today. The TED spread contracted.

Image courtesy The Wall Street Journal Online

Right now, the yield on the 3-month U.S. Treasury Bill is 0.17%. Therefore, the TED spread is currently 0.54625 percentage point; it was 0.5825 yesterday, 0.67063 last Friday and 4.34 on October 15, 2008. For the TED spread, a figure between zero and 50 basis points (50 basis points = 0.50 percentage point) is a strong indication that large, international banks are lending money to each other with confidence.
A Eurodollar is a U.S. dollar deposited in any bank outside the United States.
Click here for historical LIBOR values.
Click here for a chart comparing LIBOR to the Prime Rate and the target fed funds rate.
Click here to read about how U.S. Dollar LIBOR fixing works.
Right now, the yield on the 3-month U.S. Treasury Bill is 0.17%. Therefore, the TED spread is currently 0.54625 percentage point; it was 0.5825 yesterday, 0.67063 last Friday and 4.34 on October 15, 2008. For the TED spread, a figure between zero and 50 basis points (50 basis points = 0.50 percentage point) is a strong indication that large, international banks are lending money to each other with confidence.
A Eurodollar is a U.S. dollar deposited in any bank outside the United States.
Click here for historical LIBOR values.
Click here for a chart comparing LIBOR to the Prime Rate and the target fed funds rate.
Click here to read about how U.S. Dollar LIBOR fixing works.
Labels: libor, TED_spread
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